residential projects:
Austin Grange, Caerphilly

The development of 75 units consists of 51 flats, 20 affordable housing units and 4 walk up flats/maisonettes.
Collina undertook the Technical Design for the Mechanical, Electrical and Above Ground Drainage Stage 4 and 5 design for this new residential development.
The site has been designed with energy efficiency in mind including Ground Source Heat Pumps, Air Source Heat Pumps and LED lighting.
St Line House, Residential Development

The development of 75 units consists of 51 flats, 20 affordable housing units and 4 walk up flats/maisonettes.
Collina undertook the Technical Design for the Mechanical, Electrical and Above Ground Drainage Stage 4 and 5 design for this new residential development.
The site has been designed with energy efficiency in mind including Ground Source Heat Pumps, Air Source Heat Pumps and LED lighting.
Hamberley Neurocare, Basingstoke

Hamberley Neurocare Basingstoke is a state-of-the-art neurological 28 bed acute brain injury rehabilitation centre in Basingstoke, offering life-changing neurocare in Hampshire.
Collina were commissioned to undertake the Detail Design of the mechanical and electrical systems for the building alongside the main contractor Lancer Scott and M&E contractor Pearce Engineering
The building was design to be as thermally efficient as possible (fabric first) with the use of IES thermal modelling. The heating for the building was via the roof mounted CHP and gas fired boilers with air source heat pumps providing cooling in some areas.
The mechanical and electrical design was considered to ensure the building meets the needs of people living with a range of neurological conditions with a light, contemporary, open-plan design with assistive built in technology.
Image credit: Hamberley Neurocare Basingstoke
Elcot Park, Mews Flats

Collina were appointed to carry out the survey and performance design for ten new mews apartments on the grounds of the newly refurbished Elcot Park hotel near Newbury.
The development has a strong emphasis on sustainability, ecology, the environment and energy savings. Collina designed the apartments to be all-electric with energy efficient electric boilers, photovoltaics and LED lighting to ensure maximum energy efficiency was achieved. Installing these energy efficiency measures in these buildings reduces energy demand and carbon emissions.
Image credit: Zoopla